IUB-College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Travel Award Fall Semester

Students who have been invited to present papers at national and international professional conferences may apply for travel grant support from the College. Fall applications may be submitted for conference travel that occurs or occurred during the months of July through March of the current fall semester.

Travel awards are not intended for travel expenses associated with research. Students can request research funding through other sources such as the Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington Grant-in-Aid of Doctoral Research Award. Some departments and research groups also offer research travel funding.

Student applications will be reviewed by their program. The program will select, rank, and nominate up to two applicants for each competition.

Awards are usually announced within 30 days after the application period ends.

You are not eligible for a College Graduate Student Travel Award if you are on academic probation or on leave at the time of the nomination deadline.

Because travel awards are dispersed through your bursar account, if you have an outstanding balance on your account, you may not be eligible to receive an award or you may not receive the full amount of your award.

Supplemental Questions
  1. COAS Graduate Travel Award
    • 1. Have you previously received a College Travel Award?
    • 2. Name and location of conference
    • 2.a. Is the conference regional, national, or international in scope?
    • 3. Title of your contribution/workshop:
    • 4. Type of contribution
    • 5. Is your contribution accepted or pending?
    • 6. Dates of travel
    • 7. Please list a complete citation of all co-presenters, if applicable.
    • 8. Please explain how attending the conference will contribute to your professional development.
    • 9. Has any other funding been received/requested for this travel?
    • 9.a. If you have already received funding for this travel, please list amount and source. If you have not, please enter "N/A"
  2. COAS Graduate Travel Budget
    • 1. Please provide estimated costs for the following budget items. If an expense is not represented below. Please use this textbox to describe it and its estimated cost. If you do not have costs aside from those below, please enter "N/A" in this box.
    • 2. Registration
    • 3. Transportation
    • 4. Shuttle/taxi
    • 5. Hotel
    • 6. Per diem/food
    • 7. Please provide total of all estimated expenses.