IUB-Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences MA Research Support Grant - Fall

The SLHS MA Research Support Grant is intended to support research expenses of students conducting research at IU. Funds are intended to cover costs related to conducting the student’s original work, which may include equipment, materials and supplies, software, payment of participants, and travel and fees to academic conferences related to the student’s project. Funds are paid directly to the student, not the faculty advisor(s).

Please note that to receive conference funds, your submission must already be accepted, and the conference must take place while you are enrolled in the MA program. Students requesting funds for conference travel must provide travel receipts to the SLHS Accounting Representative immediately following the travel dates. Should you decide not to attend the conference or if you fail to submit travel receipts, you will be obligated to return the amount of the award to the department.

Also note that by submitting this application, you are acknowledging that if you are selected as a recipient of this award, your name may be shared in celebration with SLHS faculty and students, and the public.

Supplemental Questions
  1. SLHS Graduate Research Grant Question Set
    • 1. Please indicate your year in the program.
    • 2. Please list your faculty advisor(s):
    • 3. Title of project
    • 4. Description of project (approximately 200 words)
    • 5. Please upload a detailed and itemized list of expenditures (maximum $500).
    • 6. If you are requesting funds for conference travel, specify the names and dates of the conference, your travel dates, and the nature of your presentation (e.g., poster, technical paper, etc.)
    • 7. Have you previously received a SLHS Graduate Research Support Grant