IUB-Larry and Marty Humes Student Research Travel Fund - Fall

The Larry and Marty Humes Student Research Travel Fund Award is intended to assist PhD students and/or postdoctoral scholars in SLHS traveling to and presenting at major national and/or international conferences. Travel awards are not intended for travel expenses associated with conducting research. Students must provide travel receipts to the SLHS Accounting Representative immediately following the travel dates. Failure to submit travel receipts will disqualify you from receiving future funding from the department. Also note that by submitting this application, you are acknowledging that if you are selected as a recipient of this award, your name may be shared in celebration with donors, SLHS faculty and students, and the public.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Humes Travel Award Question Set
    • 1. Have you previously received a Humes Travel Award?
    • 2. Name and location of conference
    • 3. Conference website (if applicable):
    • 4. Title of presentation:
    • 5. List of authors:
    • 6. Presentation status:
    • 7. Presentation type: Poster, talk, or other (please specify):
    • 8. Dates of travel:
    • 9. Has other funding been received/requested for this travel?
  2. Provide a tentative project budget including justification.
  3. I acknowledge that if I am selected as a recipient of this award, my name may be shared in celebration with donors, SLHS faculty and students, and the public.