IUI-HIVEY and Nina RISE Funding

The purpose of this opportunity is to provide funding to engaged students in the Nina Scholars, Bowen Scholars, and THRIVE Programs an opportunity to enhance their collegiate learning experience by supporting their participation in the following areas:

  • Study Abroad Experiences
  • Domestic Exchanges with another U.S. College/University
  • Attendance at Academic Conferences or Institutes
  • Internships and Experiential Learning Opportunities
  • Research Projects
  • Service Learning Projects

Note: All opportunities must be university-approved and outside the state of Indiana.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Currently enrolled IUI student who has been an engaged member of our programs (Nina Scholars, Bowen Scholars, or THRIVE)
  • In good academic standing
  • Special consideration will be given to applicants who:
    • Are exceeding minimum program participation requirements
    • Are actively pursuing career development and graduate school readiness
    • Are engaged in program or campus leadership
    • Have not received this award before
    • Are not using this award during their final graduating semester
    • Have financial need

Funds are limited and will be awarded to applicants on a competitive basis. Funding selections will be awarded based on the degree to which the experience is related to your area of interest, evidence of your reflection on the connection between the experience and your own learning and development, and, if necessary, degree of participation in our programs and overall engagement on campus

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please write a personal statement describing how the conference, ASB, study abroad, service learning, internship experience, or research project is connected to your learning and to your academic/career goals. Please include an explanation for the program, exchange, or experience chosen.
  2. Experience Proposal
    • 1. Please write a proposal that includes all activities planned, timelines, for preparation/application for planned experiences, travel itinerary, and supporting reasoning.
    • 2. Please upload any supporting documentation, such as your study abroad application, approval if already accepted, program information or description, etc.
  3. Budget and Financial Statement
    • 1. Please provide both a detailed budget for the complete experience and a financial statement describing your current financial means.
    • 2. Please upload any supporting documentation demonstrating your financial need, program costs, etc.
  4. Have you already been accepted to your experience or program?
  5. If you answered “No” to the previous question, please describe where you are in the application process. Include the application deadline if you have not yet applied.