IUI-Indumati Sukhatme RISE Scholarship (Science)

Established by former IUI Executive Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculties, Dr. Uday Sukhatme, the Indumati Sukhatme RISE Scholarship memorializes his mother, Indumati. This scholarship honors her life and inspires others to contribute to new RISE Scholarships, which emphasize the importance of supporting Research, International, Service Learning and Experiential Learning (RISE) experiences for students. This scholarship is awarded to a science major who is studying abroad, with preference for study in India.

Recipient must be a student enrolled in the IUI School of Science.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you participated in or plan to participate in a RISE experience?
  2. If yes, please describe one of the four RISE initiatives in which you have participated or plan to participate.