IUB-Gertrude Force Weathers Fund

Graduate fellowships for students in the French section of the Department of French and Italian.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Department of French and Italian Weathers Fellowship Application
    • a. Please indicate your first semester of graduate study at IU.
    • b. Select your program
    • c. Date of Ph.D. candidacy as recorded in the Graduate School.
    • d. Expected title of dissertation
    • e. Name of dissertation director
    • f. Progress to date and progress expected during the fellowship period
    • g. Please describe how the additional time gained by not teaching and instead receiving the fellowship will advance your research and progress toward the dissertation.
    • h. Relevant employment history
    • i. Please list all grants, fellowships, or honors received.
    • j. Please list all performances or scholarly papers presented
    • k. Please list all publications
  2. Please upload a copy of your CV or resume.
  3. Please upload a one-page description of your research
  4. Please provide the name and official IU email address for two faculty members who would be willing to write a letter of recommendation in support of your application.
    • Faculty member one
    • Faculty member two