IUI-Cowen Mathematical Sciences Scholarship (Science)

This scholarship was established by Dr. Carl Cowen and Janice Wheater-Cowen to honor and memorialize Janet Catherine Cowen for her lifelong commitment to philanthropy and education. This scholarship will support sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and/or grad students pursuing a degree in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at IU Indianapolis. Indiana University is committed to diversity, special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, including but not limited to financially challenged students, and/or students with diverse cultural experiences. The Donors have a preference for female students who are U.S. Citizens or permanent residents. Additional preference will be given to graduate students.

The Scholarship may be renewed provided the recipients are making progress towards completing their degree. The number, amount(s), and recipient(s) of this scholarship will be determined by the Math Department’s Award Committee.

Recipient must be a student enrolled in the IU Indianapolis School of Science.
