IUB-Norman T. Pratt Traveling Fellowship

It is the intent of the Donors that this Fellowship is to allow a qualified undergraduate or graduate major in Classical Studies at Indiana University to gain firsthand knowledge of the people and monuments of classical lands, however, the Fellowship is not intended to support research. The recipient of the Fellowship will be based upon an application process, and preference will be given to candidates who have not previously traveled to Greece or Italy.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a personal statement that outlines detailed travel plans, explains significance of the travel for your academic career, mentions any previous travel to Greece or Rome, and demonstrates preparation through IU coursework or other activities (1,000 words)
  2. Please upload a detailed budget (no more than one single-spaced page)
  3. Please give the name and email address of a faculty member who will write a letter of recommendation in support of your application.
  4. Please list all Classical Studies courses and related courses in other departments that you have completed or are currently enrolled in.