IUI-Study Abroad Planning Grant (Study Abroad)

The Study Abroad Planning Grant was created in order to support and encourage global learning for IUI, IUC, and IUFW undergraduate students through participation in an approved study abroad program.  Applicants to the grants do not need to have already identified a program or know exactly what that they would like to do abroad.  This is an opportunity to explore all international options.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you ever traveled outside the United States?
  2. If you have been outside of the U.S., for what purpose did you travel abroad? Please describe your experience abroad (If you have no experience, write "None").
  3. Do you have a Study Abroad stipend through the Honors College?
  4. Who do you hope to become by the time you finish your undergraduate degree?
  5. How do you think study abroad could help you in becoming that person?
  6. Why do you think study abroad is important?
  7. Brainstorm what you think it would take for you to study abroad (personally, academically, financially, and logistically).
  8. Study Abroad AI Statement
    This scholarship will be awarded to students who demonstrate proficiency in writing. Original work is required, and use of artificial intelligence in writing may jeopardize your eligibility to receive the scholarship. If it is determined, in the sole discretion of the Indianapolis Office of International Affairs and the Study Abroad Advisory Council, that the essay(s) submitted are not the original work of the applicant, the scholarship may be revoked.
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