IUB-Mary Suzanne Savage Field Research Scholarship/Fellowship

It is the intent of the Donor, and the Foundation agrees, that income from this gift be used to provide undergraduate or graduate scholarships/fellowships for field study opportunities in the Americas. Support from the Scholarship/Fellowship must be directly related to expenses incurred by the students fieldwork and may not be used for research done on the IUB campus. Recipients will be undergraduate or graduate students who have demonstrated need, are majoring in anthropology, and are focused on the field of archaeology.

For any questions about this fellowship, please contact the Department of Anthropology at anthgrad@iu.edu.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Upload a single PDF application consisting of the following application components: A) a completed application cover page. B) a CV/resume. C) an unofficial Indiana University transcript. D) a project proposal. Proposals should briefly describe the research project, methods the student will learn and use in the field, and a research/travel timeline (500 word maximum). E) a short statement of previous experience and how this work fits into your academic training (300 word maximum). F) a budget, demonstrating how you plan to spend the funds. Please also include a brief statement of financial need.