IUB- Neyde Azevedo Fund in Anthropology

The Neyde Azevedo Award is intended to support IU Anthropology graduate and undergraduate students doing research in/on Brazil. In particular, the award will support Anthropology students presenting papers at professional conferences and/or to participate in relevant academic meetings related to research in Brazil. Awards will support research for requests up to $250.
Eligibility: IU Anthropology graduate students and undergraduate majors doing research in Brazil.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Allow up to one month for your application to be reviewed.
Obligations: Upon return, the awardee is requested to write a small summary of the activity for publication in the departmental newsletter.

About the Donor: IU alumna Neyde Marques de Azevedo [1932-2008] came to the USA from Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1954, with a scholarship from the Church of Latter Day Saints which supported her studies at Ricks College. She later earned an MA in Anthropology from Indiana University and went on to pursue a successful career teaching music and anthropology at City College of San Francisco. She served on the City and County Immigrant Rights Commission and in various arts organizations in that city.

For any questions about this fellowship, please contact the Department of Anthropology at anthgrad@iu.edu.

Up to $250
Supplemental Questions
  1. Upload a single PDF application which consists of the proposed research activity in Brazil (1 page). Include a justification for the amount of money requested, as well as the dates the proposed research will be undertaken.
  2. How much funding are you requesting? (maximum $250)
  3. Please list other funding sources you have obtained or are applying for to support this research and the amount of funding obtained or applied for.
  4. I understand that if awarded this award, I am expected to provide a summary of research activity for publication in the departmental newsletter.