IUB-Animal Behavior Summer Study Scholarship

The Program in Animal Behavior awards two summer study scholarships up to $750 each year to outstanding Animal Behavior majors at IU Bloomington to help defray costs of travel and fees for summer field courses, internships, or research experiences in fields relevant to the study of animal behavior.

The criteria for selecting awardees include their academic record, background and interest in the study of animal behavior, and the value of the proposed experience in the student’s study of animal behavior.

Awardees are expected to use funds from the scholarship to help defray costs of travel and fees for summer field courses or internships.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your resume.
  2. Animal Behavior Undergraduate Summer Study Scholarship
    • Costs:Provide an accurate accounting of the allowable costs for your internship, field course, or research experience. allowable costs include airfare or other appropriate travel to the internship/course site, tuition or fees for the course, room and board at an internship/course site, or required scientific supplies. (Recipients of the award will be required to provide documentation of actual costs.)
    • Do you affirm that all of your application materials are true, complete, and accurate and that they meet the ethical expectations outlined in the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (http://www.iu.edu?~code?responsibilities/index.shtml).?
    • Do you authorize the CISAB awards committee and its representatives to review your academic record and your application materials?
    • If yes, please specify.
    • Please describe (500 words or fewer) your career goals, your background and interests in animal behavior, the proposed summer course or internship, and how the experience will enhance your career and educational goals.
    • Please indicate any other sources of funding for which you have applied that might pay for the proposed internship, field study, or research experience.
    • Please list your proposed summer course or internship.
    • Please provide the name and email address of one CISAB faculty member who has agreed to provide a letter of recommendation for you.
    • Will your receive credit at IU or another institution?