IUB-CISAB Graduate Fellowship

Current CISAB graduate students are eligible for stipend support for up to 2 semesters or summer through this opportunity offered by the Animal Behavior Program/Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a CISAB Member? (See https://animalbehavior.indiana.edu/forms/join-form.html to join before answering if you are not already a member.)
  2. CISAB Fellowship Application
    • 1. Please select the type of support for which you are applying. You may apply for more than one.
    • 2. Have you previously received CISAB funding? Check all that apply:
    • 3. Please provde the name and email address of your major advisor who has agreed to provide a letter of recommendation for you
    • 4. Please provide the name and email address of one CISAB faculty member who has agreed to provide a letter of recommendation for you.
    • 5. Each application must be supported by two CISAB faculty members. If your major advisor is not a CISAB member, please provide the name and address of a second CISAB faculty member who has agreed to provide a letter of recommendation for you.
    • 6. Briefly summarize your involvement in CISAB activities (e.g. participation in the Spring Animal Behavior Conference, REU student supervision, Fall Reception, hosting a seminar speaker).
    • 7. Please briefly summarize your training in animal behavior, listing IU courses, rotations and other activities which you have found particularly helpful. Are you planning to obtain a minor or area certificate in animal behavior? How has your traing helped you to learn the perspectives of more than one field of animal behavior? Please include a tentative degree timeline - when you do expect to advance to candidacy and defend?
    • 8. Summarize your dissertation research (2-3 pages), emphasizing how you have successfully integrated the perspectives and/or techniques of more than one subdiscipline of animal behavior. Discuss how being a CISAB Scholar will further your research, training, and/or career goals, and what special opportunities to conduct integrative research may become possible if you receive funding. Please upload a PDF with your response and include your name on the file.
    • 9. Please upload a copy of your CV or resume.
    • a. Please confirm that your research conforms to all IU guidelines involving the use of live animals, human subjects, and biological safety as appropriate.