IUK-Patricia A. Pencek Scholarship

This opportunity is for IU Kokomo undergraduate students. Recipient of the Scholarship must be a resident of one of the counties that is under the jurisdiction of the RACI organization (Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Grant, Howard, Miami, Tipton, Wabash Counties) and must be enrolled at Indiana University Kokomo. The recipients will be restricted to junior or senior students majoring in business and have a record of academic excellence as demonstrated by a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The number, amount, and recipient(s) of the Scholarships will be determined by the Scholarship Committee of the School of Business at IUK, in consultation with the Director of Donor Relations at IUK. The recipient shall be a resident of Howard County and/or contiguous counties: Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Grant, Miami, Tipton, and Wabash
