IUI-LFSOP Johnson Scholarship (Philanthropy)

The Johnson Family Scholars Award will provide $4,500 for one academic year to one Mays Family Institute on Diverse Philanthropy undergraduate student majoring in philanthropic studies. Underrepresented populations and students with financial need are strongly encouraged to apply. One scholarship, awarded each academic year in the amount of $4,500 ($2,250 fall semester/ $2,250 spring semester). Must be a full-time Mays Family Institute undergraduate student majoring in philanthropic studies. Special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, including but not limited to students who demonstrate financial need, LGBTQ+ students, and/or students with diverse cultural experiences. Preference will be given to students who graduated high school from the Indianapolis Public School District. Must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Students must reapply each academic year.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe how receiving this scholarship will impact your academic and career goals.