IUI-Greek Goddess Scholarship in French (Liberal Arts)

The Greek Goddess Scholarships were created by Aristea Pappas in memory of her husband, William Angelos Pappas, to express dedication and commitment to the School of Liberal Arts and IUI and to provide opportunities for students to expand their worldviews and life experiences through their studies. This fund is to support a scholarship for one student pursuing a degree or certificate in French in the School of Liberal Arts who demonstrates academic excellence and an interest in expanding their worldview/experience through their liberal arts studies. Preference will be given to a student with financial need.

Please submit an essay in which you write about your decision path to earning a degree in French. The following are recommended prompts for your essay:

  • Why did you choose French? What kind of degree are you seeking (Major or Certificate)?
  • What are your plans after graduation? Why is this particular degree important to you?
  • What would you suggest to others as important reasons for the study of French, foreign languages, and intercultural communication?
  • How might your study/knowledge of French equip you to contribute to social change/to be socially engaged (or how has it done so, if, for example, you have completed community service or experiential learning with a component related to these studies and/or if you have been part of the Francophone Student Association or Alliance Française)?

You may choose to write in either French or English (your choice of language is not factored into the committee decision, so please choose the language you are most comfortable in for this task) and write at least a 500-word response. Please include a link to your Program in French ePortfolio if you have already submitted items to one for your French classes.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please submit an essay in which you write about your decision path to earning a degree in French. The following are recommended prompts for your essay. Why did you choose French? What kind of degree are you seeking (Major or Certificate)? What are your plans after graduation? Why is this particular degree important to you? What would you suggest to others as important reasons for the study of French, foreign languages and intercultural communication? How might your study/knowledge of French equip you to contribute to social change/to be socially engaged (or how has it done so, if, for example, you have completed community service or experiential learning with a component related to these studies and/or if you have been part of the Francophone Student Association or Alliance Française)? You may choose to write in either French or English (your choice of language is not factored into the committee decision, so please choose the language you are most comfortable in for this task) and write at least a 500-word response. Please include a link to your Program in French ePortfolio if you have already submitted items to one for your French classes.