IUI-Frank G. and Ernestine M. Lambertus Scholarship (Science)

This scholarship was established by Mrs. Ernestine Lambertus in honor of her husband, Frank, who was a valued advisor to the Dean of the School of Science. Through their generosity, the Lambertus family has supported many science students in the school over the past three decades. This scholarship is awarded to a student who has shown progress and improvement in their academic program. The recipient will have demonstrated financial need or be working. Preference given to an individual with civic engagement, and who is from Central Indiana.

Recipient must be a student enrolled in the IUI School of Science.

up to $3,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. IU Indianapolis Lambertus
    • 1. Are you from Central Indiana?
    • 2. Have you shown significant improvement in your academic studies?
  2. If yes, please describe how you have shown this improvement in your academic studies.
  3. Have you participated in civic engagement, including volunteering, community engagement, or service learning?
  4. If yes, please describe the service activities in which you have participated, either within the School of Science, at IUPUI, or in the community.