IUS-Master of Science in Nursing Scholarship

Scholarships are available for students enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing program who have maintained a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and are residents of Indiana or Kentucky. Students must be enrolled for a minimum of 3 hours at time of application and award. Preference will be given to students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours each semester.

Supplemental Questions
  1. a. Are you receiving any form of tuition assistance from your employer?
  2. b. If yes, please describe.
  3. c. Please describe your plan of study (hours per semester) for the coming year, anticipated graduation date, and future plans for use of your MSN after completion of your MSN.
  4. d. In addition to your description of campus and/or community involvement described above, discuss service activities in which you have been involved in your profession and place(s) of employment (committee work, task forces, shared governance boards, specialty organizations, etc.).