IUB-Luis Davilá Student Competition for Best Essay on Latino/a/x Literature, Arts, and Culture

The Latino Studies Program invites submissions for Best Essays on Latina/o/x Literature, Arts & Culture.

The Dávila Award will be given for the best essay on any aspect of Latino expressive culture, including literature, language, history, music, folklore, visual & performing arts, cinema, and journalism. There are two competitions, one for undergraduates and one for graduate students.

• The Dávila Award includes a $250 bursar credit.
• Photo essays will also be considered.
• Preference will be given to those essays focusing on U.S.-based or transnational Latino communities and cultures.
• Submissions may be in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or any combination of these languages.
• Open to all IU students.

Undergraduate essays should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words (not exceeding 5,000 words for graduate essays) in length, including notes. Double-space, 1-inch margins, paginated, 12-point font. MLA, APA, or discipline appropriate citations accepted. Please name the file using your last name: LastNameGrad.docx or LastNameUndergrad.docx.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your essay submission
  2. Have you been enrolled in a Latino Studies course in the past year? If so please list course number, semester, and instructor of record.