IUB/IUFW/IUI-Direct Admit Nursing

Criteria for IU School of Nursing Direct Admission
To be considered for direct admission to the School of Nursing you must meet the following requirements:
1. Apply for admission to Indiana University at a Core IU School of Nursing location (Bloomington, Fort Wayne, or Indianapolis) by November 1st.
2. Submit your Direct Admit Application by December 15th.
3. Declare pre-nursing as your major.
4. Earn a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.8 or higher (or HS GPA equivalent) on a 4.0 scale.
5. Establish your IU computing account using your UID.
6. Submit the General Application for base IU Scholarships consideration.
7. Complete & Submit this Apply-To, IUB/IUFW/IUI-Direct Admit Nursing Application, including a response to the key essay questions (300 words or less).

Supplemental Questions
  1. I have submitted an application for Undergraduate admission consideration and request Direct Admission review for the following location preference(s):
    First Preference:
  2. Second Preference:
  3. Third Preference:
  4. Fourth Preference:
  5. In 300 words or less, describe how you will leverage your personal experience, background, and perspective to provide [RC1] compassionate care to patients from diverse backgrounds?
  6. In 300 words or less, describe how your personal strengths, experiences, and/or abilities will contribute to your success in nursing school and the nursing profession.
  7. We recognize that applicants might receive assistance in preparing your essays for college admissions. Please acknowledge any support you received in developing your application by selecting all options from the list below that may apply to your application.
  8. In 300 words or less, please describe how you have used the resources you have identified above to develop your essay responses. If you selected "None" from the list above, please type "N/A" in the box below.
  9. By submitting this application I acknowledge my understanding of the following items:

    • Essays submitted as part of my admission application represent my own original ideas and personal experiences. I take full responsibility for the content, ideas, and expressions presented in these essays. Any resources, including but not limited to editing or software tools, used to enhance my writing were used to support my original ideas and were not generative (meaning created by the tools themselves). I affirm that I have not engaged in any form of plagiarism or academic dishonesty in the creation of these essays.

    • Any sources of support or references used in my essay responses have been acknowledged and described in how they were used in the comment box above. By checking this acknowledgment statement, I confirm my understanding that any misrepresentation or falsification of the essays may result in serious consequences, including the rejection of my application or the revocation of any offers of admission.

    • I have appropriately cited all the sources I have used, giving credit to the original authors and avoiding any forms of plagiarism. I understand the significance of academic honesty and integrity, and I am fully committed to upholding these values in all aspects of my academic pursuits. IU Policy on Plagiarism
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