IUI-Nina Scholars

The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust established the Nina Mason Pulliam Legacy Scholars program in tribute to the life and values of Nina Mason Pulliam. The Nina Scholars program is committed to providing support and resources to students from underserved backgrounds who have traditionally had difficulty gaining access to higher education. The program provides students with community and academic support through mentoring, a first year class, one-on-one support, and monthly scholar meetings and events. Financial support comes in the form of tuition, fees, books, and a yearly living stipend for up to six years.

To be considered for the Nina Scholarship you MUST:

  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Be a Resident of Indiana
  • Have completed no more than 24 credit hours towards your bachelor’s degree at the end of Fall Semester 2020

AND fit into ONE of the following categories:

1. Adults with dependents
These are adults who have dependents in their household (self not included). These adults may be first-time college students or returning students (those with previous college experience). The family unit may include relatives or other persons who may live inside or outside the applicant’s household, but for whom the Internal Revenue Service has determined there is a financially dependent relationship.

2. College-age youth and adults with physical disabilities
A physical disability for the purposes of this scholarship program is one that limits or impairs a person’s ability to access or to be fully mobile on campus or creates a special challenge for classroom instruction, tutoring, student support services, participation in campus offerings, and other academic and extracurricular activities. This includes disabilities that substantially limit major life activities such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, writing, and working. These disabilities may be results of, but are not limited to, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, speech impairments, visual impairments, hearing impairments, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, loss of limbs, and severe orthopedic injuries. Applicants are to provide official documentation of their physical disability from a medical or health care provider.

3. Adults ages, 18-25, who have experienced foster care or have been disconnected from their parents or primary caregiver and are responsible for their own financial support. Examples of eligibility include:

  • Youth who experienced foster care
  • Youth who never entered the formal child welfare system but were shuffled into informal kinship care situations
  • Youth disconnected from their homes/parents who became functionally homeless and survived through the generosity of friends by “couch surfing”
  • Youth who experienced significant time in the system, but were ultimately returned to marginally capable parents
  • Youth, who after a period of time in foster care, were adopted legally by marginally capable family members ill equipped to support a child socially or financially

tuition, fees, books, and a living stipend
Supplemental Questions
  1. How did you learn about the Nina Scholars program? Select all that apply
  2. If you choose "Other" above please tell us from where you learned about the Nina Scholars program.
  3. Do you have a dependent/dependents as filed on your FAFSA?
  4. Have you been disconnected from your parents or primary caregiver and are independently responsible for your own financial support?
  5. Please select all that apply to you, if any.
  6. Official documentation of foster care or related experience. Only required if you qualify under foster care or related.
  7. Do you have a physical disability?
  8. Official documentation of disability from a medical or healthcare provider.

    Only required if you have a disability.

  9. Tell us about your experiences related to the criteria that makes you eligible for this scholarship.

    Individuals must meet at least one of the following criteria:

    • Incoming freshmen ages 18-25 with a history of abuse, neglect, or a lack of effective family support, and/or experience in public foster care

    • College-aged youth and adults with physical disabilities

    • Adults who have dependents in their family unit

  10. Have you previously attended any other colleges or universities other than IUI?
  11. If yes, where and how many credits?
  12. Please upload unofficial transcripts for each school that you’ve attended including IUI.
  13. Based upon one or more of the eligibility criteria, how do you qualify for the Nina scholarship? What are your life goals and how will obtaining a college degree further these goals? How do you plan to balance your personal and academic responsibilities? What support systems do you currently have/need to help you succeed?
  14. Do you need financial assistance with any fees related to campus housing?
  15. Do you have other means of monetary support?
  16. Marital Status
  17. Nina Mason Pulliam Legacy Scholars Program

    Two Letters of Recommendation

    • Please submit the names of two people who can speak to your experience and character to write letters of recommendation on your behalf. These can be teachers, mentors, supervisors, case workers, and others who are familiar with the story of what makes you eligible for Nina Scholars.
  18. High School and IUI Transcripts
    • Please upload unofficial transcripts including IUI. If you are an incoming freshman you only need to provide your high school transcript.
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