IUN-Foreign Studies Scholarship

Scholarships to students at IUN who have completed at least 45 credit hours and have exhibited excellence in a modern foreign language. Candidates for the Scholarship shall have been accepted by a foreign studies program sponsored by Indiana University, and have the written support of at least one faculty member at IUN. Application may be made at any time in the semester before a student’s foreign study. Application will comprise a letter requesting such scholarship assistance, accompanied by supporting documentation and submitted to the office of the Chairman of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages at IUN. Scholarships may be awarded for summer study as well as for regular semester or academic year study.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Modern Foreign Languages
    • Have you completed modern foreign languages courses through IU?
    • If yes, provide a copy of your unofficial transcrtipt .
  2. Have you been accepted by a Foreign Studies Program sponsored by IU?
  3. Please submit written support from a facullty member at IUN.
  4. Please submit a letter requesting scholarship assistance for your foreign study abroad program.