IUSB-Jeffrey & Diane Crabtree IU South Bend Occupational Therapy Scholarship

Graduate student in good standing in their second year in Master of Science in Occupational Therapy in the School of Rehab. Science Dwyer HS. Recipient must create and engage in a practice or research prject while engaged in supervised Level 11 fieldwork learning experience related to occupational justice and underserved populations and culturally/racially disadvantaged individ. including HIspanic, Amish, and Mennonite and Native Americans in community based venues; demonstrate by a project proposal submitted through the application process. Preference will be given to projects that are sustainable. Number and amount determined by Student Affairs Committee of the college…consulting w/ Master Science Occupational Therapy Program.

Supplemental Questions
  1. For the upcoming Fall, will you be entering your second year in the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences in the Vera Z. Dwyer College of Health Science at IU South Bend?
  2. Do you commit to being engaged in a supervised Level II fieldwork learning experience related to occupational justice and underserved populations (e.g. homeless, incarcerated, refugees, LGBTQ+, and culturally or racially disadvantaged individuals including Hispanic, Amish, and Mennonite, and Native Americas)?
  3. Do you commit to being engaged in a supervised Level II fieldwork learning experience within in community-based venues (e.g. homeless shelters, jail or prison, community based correction, community-based agencies, or service organizations) related to occupational justice and underserved populations?
  4. Submit your project proposal, that you have created and plan to engage in, of a practice or research project (e.g. program development, program evaluation, qualitative research, and pilot quantitative research, etc.). Preference will be given to projects that are sustainable.