Any Campus-Tate-Chesmore Employee Scholarship (Residence Life)

Awarded annually to IU Bloomington undergraduate who are full-time service, support, and non-exempt IU Housing employees, their spouses, domestic partners, and dependent children. A dependent child is defined as: a child, a stepchild, or a child whose legal guardian is an eligible individual, or a child of a deceased parent or legal guardian who was an eligible RPS employee at the time of death (provided the child was a legal dependent at the time of the parent or guardian’s death), and on the first day of the session for which tuition benefit is being sought. A domestic partner must meet the Indiana University definition for domestic partner and be registered with the University as eligible for benefits. Preference will be given to those 23 years of age or under, and where dependents are under consideration, to those dependents who meet the IRS support test for a dependent of the employee, spouse, or domestic partner.

Supplemental Questions
  1. IUB-Tate-Chesmore Employee Scholarship Questions
    • Are you currently a full-time service, support, and non-exempt staff from IU Bloomington Housing Operations, Dining and Hospitality, or Residence Life, or a spouse, domestic partner, or dependent child of such an employee?
    • If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please list the employee's name, current job title, and start date (month and year).
    • Relation to IU Housing employee: