IUB-Student Conference Presentation Grant Fall

Supplemental Questions
  1. Classical Studies Conference Travel Application
    • 2. Conference Title:
    • 3. Conference Location:
    • 4. Dates of Travel:
    • 5. Title of Presentation:
    • 6. Type of Presentation:
    • 7. List all Co-Presenters (if you do not have co-presenters, please type "N/A" in the field below):
    • 8. Please explain the importance of participation in this conference for your research project:
  2. Classical Studies Conference Travel Budget
    • 1. Please provide estimated costs for the following budget items. If an expense is not represented below. Please use this textbox to describe it and its estimated cost. If you do not have costs aside from those below, please enter "N/A" in this box.
    • 2. Transportation:
    • 3. Food Cost (breakfast, lunch, and dinner):
    • 4. Conference Registration:
    • 5. Hotel Cost (total):
  3. Have you received travel funding from CLAS before? If yes, provide dates and amount.