IUB-CAHI Graduate Conference Travel Award Spring

The CAHI Graduate Conference Travel Award supports IU Ph.D., M.A., M.F.A. and M.Arch students working in the arts and humanities traveling to professional conferences to present their original research or creative activity. Awards may be up to $500 for domestic travel and $750 for international travel.

Apply during the spring cycle if your conference travel will start between February 1, 2025, and September 14, 2025.

In the interest of supporting as many emerging scholars and artists as possible, previous Conference Travel Award recipients must wait one full academic year before applying again.

CAHI will not give awards retroactively for travel that has already taken place. For cases in which timing is misaligned, such as an upcoming conference for which you are still awaiting confirmation of acceptance, we recommend writing to cahi@iu.edu and submitting a conditional application by the deadline. It is easy to withdraw the application should you end up not traveling.

All awards are subject to university restrictions and regulations. Recipients are expected to send a brief report (500 words) within one month of completing travel, summarizing participation and outcomes.

Please be aware that the Conference Travel Awards are processed as fellowships via SIS. If an award recipient has any bursar balance due at the time of processing, award funds will very likely go to pay that balance first, and the full amount of the award may no longer be available. We urge recipients to work with their fiscal officers on the timing of award processing.

Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the letter of support is submitted to CAHI by the application deadline. Applications that are missing a letter of support will not be reviewed. All awards are subject to university restrictions and regulations.

Who may apply: IU Ph.D., M.A., M.F.A., or M.Arch students working in the arts and humanities whose primary degree affiliation is within the College of Arts + Sciences, the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design, the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, or the Media School.

Students must be enrolled in the College of Arts + Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington in order to apply for and receive award funding.

If other internal or external funding is received for the same project, CAHI requires notification and reserves the right to adjust or reassign awards in light of this information.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a 1-page cover letter outlining the signifiance of the conference in relation to your work. Make sure to convey this information using language that reviewers outside your field of expertise will be able to understand (i.e. spell out acronyms; cut out disciplinary jargon)
  2. Please upload a copy of your CV or resume.
  3. Please provide name, dates, and location of conference where you will present your research.
  4. Is the conference regional, national, or international in scope?
  5. Have you been accepted to the conference or is your contribution pending?
  6. Please upload documentation that your paper has been accepted for the conference.
  7. Please upload a brief abstract of the paper to be given (no more than 200 words).
  8. Provide a tentative project budget including justification.
  9. Please provide the contact information for a faculty advisor or the Director of Graduate Studies who will be submitting a letter of support on your behalf. The letter should confirm your progress toward degree and outline the significance of the conference in relation to your work.
  10. Please enter the first and last name of your department Chair.
  11. Please enter the first and last name of your Director of Graduate Studies
  12. Have you previously received CAHI funding?
  13. If your application is successful, may we share it as an example for future applicants? (Identifying details can be removed.)
  14. Any additional information you'd like to provide.
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