IUB-Leland Ratliff Leadership Award (Residence Life)

Awarded annually to IU Bloomington undergraduates. The award shall be predicated on the following criteria: A) The candidate must be a member of the Residence Halls Association. B) The candidate must currently be serving as or must once have served as either a center president or as an RHA executive officer, C) The candidate must submit an application to the Committee making the award. The application should list activities and provide support for the candidate’s application for the award. The candidate’s list of activities must be confined to non-paying RHA positions. D) The candidate must be in good academic standing with Indiana University. A candidate may also be nominated by another student, a faculty member or a member of the administrative staff by submission of an application form. This application should include a list of activities (non-paying) and a statement of support for the candidate.

Supplemental Questions
  1. IUB-Leland Ratliff Leadership Award Questions
    • Are you currently serving or have you previously served as either a residence center president or as a RHA executive officer?
    • Please list your activities in a non-paying Residence Halls Association position(s).
    • Please provide a brief essay on why you should receive this scholarship. (250 words maximum)