IUB-Dr. Thomas Hennessy Scholarship (Residence Life)

Awarded annually to an IU Bloomington student who is a current resident as described in the Constitution of Residence Halls Association, and must have lived in Residence Halls for no more than 2 years (including current semester), who has a record of academic excellence as demonstrated by a GPA of a 2.5 or better on a 4 point scale, and that in selecting recipients, preference be given to a woman. The recipient must have participated in any level of student government at IU-Bloomington for at least one semester, and participated in a minimum of one (1) community service activity. (This includes the current semester of application). Two letters of recommendation are to be submitted and at least one must be from a current IU faculty or staff member. The amount and recipient of the Scholarship will be determined by the Hennessy Scholarship selection committee.

Supplemental Questions
  1. How many years have you lived in the IU residence halls (including this semster)?
  2. Please upload two letters of recommendation. At least one of these recommendations must be from a current IU faculty or staff member.
    • Recommendation Letter 1 - Must be from a current IU faculty or staff member
    • Recommendation Letter 2 - Does not necessarily need to be from a current IU faculty or staff member
  3. Signature Statement:

    By submitting this scholarship application, I confirm that any essays or other requested materials for this application are my own original work. Any outside sources used in these submissions have been cited. I understand that information about my academic history and standing will be used in the process of evaluating my candidacy for scholarships and awards at the time applications are reviewed. I understand some awards may require additional application materials. I approve the release of my scholarship application information, recommendation(s), academic records, application contents and appropriate financial information to the IU Foundation, IU scholarship program offices and to non-university organizations involved in recipient selection for the purpose of scholarship consideration. I hereby certify that all information I submit to Indiana University is true and correct. I understand that any misrepresentation of the facts may be cause for scholarship denial or cancellation.