Any Campus-Elsa M. Iverson International Travel Scholarship (Social Work)

The Elsa M. Iverson International Travel Scholarship was created to support undergraduate and graduate scholarships for students in good standing in the School of Social Work who are pursuing an international experience that will enhance their future social work practice.

For students enrolled in the South Korea, Croatia, or Ghana study abroad experiences.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please provide answers to these questions: 1) What are the dates of your service-learning opportunity/international practicum 2) Are you applying for any other scholarships or sources of financial aid for your travel? If yes, please include the name of the award and possible amount 3) Are there any financial factors that may affect your ability to participate in this opportunity?
  2. Please attach a budget for your service-learning experience/field placement. Indicate the amounts you can cover through your own funds or another financial award and list the expenses which will require additional assistance.
  3. Which service learning experience are you applying for?